Annual Golf Tournament
NHBOA April 9, 2025 Training Flyer – Full Day
Consider applying to NHBOA if you are a building & fire official, builder, tradesperson, architect, engineer, or any other professional engaged in the design, construction, or inspection of buildings.
NHBOA's Education Foundation helps provide opportunity and education for people wanting to enter into a trade or profession.
We are a 501 (c) 3 tax deductible charitable organization.
NHBOA works with the Building Code Review Board, the State Fire Marshal's Office and the Legislature to help foster code updates and amendments. NHBOA also tracks bills that impact building and fire codes and other related topics.
Posts About Codes and Legislative Updates Will Show-up Here Soon!
May 20, 2021
Whenever NHBOA has new information about codes, code changes, or legislative bills that affect our members, we will be posting here to keep you informed!